The Sales Forecast and Analysis module is a machine learning-based forecasting application that trains on provided data and gives forecasts for a year while also extracting valuable insights from the data.
Data Upload: Effortlessly upload your sales data in CSV format.
Data Insights: Explore the fundamental aspects of your sales data and a sneak peek of the uploaded information. This app is designed to give you a snapshot of your data, setting the stage for deeper analysis.
Sales Visualization: Visualize your sales data dynamically with interactive plots. The app creates engaging visualizations, allowing you to compare predictions and actual sales over time. Dive into trends, patterns, and performance metrics effortlessly.
Sales Forecast: Beyond the provided features, this app also allows you to forecast sales for the upcoming months. The app utilizes the machine-learning-based model to predict future sales based on historical data. The model is trained on the uploaded data and can be used to forecast sales for the next 12 months.
Scalability & Performance: Ensures efficient performance and scalability to handle large datasets and diverse recommendation scenarios.
The Sales Forecast and Analysis module finds applications in Retail, e-Commerce, Manufacturing, Consumer Goods, and various Supply Chain driven systems, enhancing efficiency and reducing wastage.
Model Type : Text
Industry Sector: Supply Chain
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